Executive Director: Ghassan Khalil P.O. Box 35/3 Hadath, Beirut - Lebanon Tel/Fax: 961 5 460296 Email: gkhalil@cyberia.net.lb |
1990 marked the end of the Lebanese war, which began in 1975. In 1991 Lebanon began the difficult job of repairing the physical and emotional damage inflicted by the war. Unfortunately, the impression left upon the world is that Lebanon is still ravaged by war; in fact, most of the country is completely safe to travel in. The exception is the extreme south, which is under Israeli occupation and United Nations observation. This area still suffers from periodic attacks. With respect to the rest of Lebanon, in 1994, the Lebanese government took the decision to carry out the reconstruction of the extensively damaged central Beirut. Redevelopment is well underway and majestic buildings with intricate designs are slowly rising from the rubble that remained from the war. In other parts of Beirut and Lebanon the main effect of the war, poverty, is blatantly obvious from the street children, mainly foreign, to the squatters, to the migrant workers. Many families are living in buildings that were essentially destroyed by the war. Ten percent of the Lebanese population is refugees and they are housed in overcrowded, inadequately equipped camps across the country. The reconstruction of Lebanon clearly extends into the realm of human rights. As such, there are numerous issues to be addressed and a tremendous amount to be learned from the situation in this country.
Two students will be selected simultaneously to participate in the internship with Beirut Centre for Human Rights. Their responsibilities will include proposal writing, interviewing and research. An integral part of the internship will be field visits to NGO's, correction centres, refugee camps, clinics, and programs for women and children. Interns will also be given the opportunity to attend training, conferences and discussion groups on human rights issues. Interns will be expected to prepare at least two issue papers on topics of their choice.
Interns are responsible for paying for their housing; however, the Centre will provide the interns with detailed information on available housing. Interns should expect to pay $200.00 per month for a single room with bathroom and shared kitchen in the same building of BCHR. Grocery stores and restaurants are abundant and serve both American, European and Lebanese food. Interns can expect to spend from $10.00 - $15.00 per day on food. The most common means of transportation is "service", (shared taxi), the cost of which is approximately $0.70 per ride to connecting districts. Private taxis are also available and cost approximately $3.00. Interns can expect to spend up to $15.00 on transportation a week.
Internship Application
First Name: ...
Last Name: ...
School/Concentration ..
NGO . . . ...
Mailing Address:[street name & number] . . ....
. . .
[city] ..[country] . .. .
[postal/zip code] . . .
Telephone: Fax: .
Please ensure the following documents are included with your application:
*Curriculum Vitae; and
*Copies of personal research or publications (Optional)
Date: . ..
Signature: ..
Beirut Centre for Human Rights: Internship Application
1. What courses or training have you had which are relevant to working on human rights issues in the Middle East or specifically Lebanon?
2. What courses or training have you had which are relevant to working with non-governmental organisations (i.e. fundraising, proposal writing)?
3. What type of work would you expect to perform during your internship with Beirut Centre for Human Rights (i.e. prepare reports, conduct research, attend interviews with other groups, fieldwork, etc..)
4. What skills do you hope to gain from your internship in Lebanon?
5. What type of time commitment can you give to the internship (1 - 3 months)?
Beirut Centre for Human Rights: Internship Application
6. Please complete the following. If there is any specific information you feel would be relevant, please feel free to add an additional paragraph. Note: Your language skills are not a deciding factor in our decision.
ORAL Not at all Good Excellent Arabic English French
WRITTEN Not at all Good Excellent Arabic English French
Please note:
Mail delivery to Lebanon may take up to two weeks. If possible, please send the application, but not research papers, by email or fax.