Home: Publications: Human Rights Journals |
General Academic and Legal Journals |
- American University International Law Review
- The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin
- Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
- Dialegesthai - Rivista telematica di filosofia - Italian
- Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
- Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
- East European Constitutional Review
- Emory International Law Review
- European Journal of International Law
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Policy
- Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
- The Helsinki Monitor
- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
- International Journal of Law and Information Technology
- International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
- Israel Law Review
- Journal of African Law
- Journal of International Economic Law
- Law Journal Extra - International Law
- Maori Law Review
- Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law
- Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
- Touro International Law Review
- Villanova International Law & Policy Compendium
Also see: Books, Newsletters, Articles
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